EMERGENT Communication - FC DEGREE

Thursday, March 31, 2022 · Dinner 6:00 pm · Degree 7:00 pm

We will be conferring the Fellow Craft Degree to Bro. EA Pierce A. Lilholt, Bro. EA Karim A. Meleka, Bro. EA Nicolas V. Moyer, and Bro. EA Santos A. Trujillo (if found proficient)

Degree to be Conferred by Bro. Mark Ingrum · Middle Chamber Lecture by Bro. Stephen Westhoven

april Communication

Thursday, April 21, 2022 - Dinner 6:30 pm · Gavel 7:30 pm

Regular Business

Ballot for Initiation and Membership - Mr. Carl R. Reese Jr., Mr. Ronald Alden Rowley and Mr. Fitzgerald Robert Gwee

Masonic Birthdays

Masonic Presentation - RW James F. Chawlyk - “The Language of Freemasonry”

Beverly-Riverside Lodge #107 F&AM Masonic Education Committee Presents

"the language of freemasonry"

Right Worshipful Brother James F. Chawlyk

The Language of Freemasonry Have you ever wondered where some of the “older-sounding” parts of our ritual come from? (or in other words, whence they came?) Perhaps you struggle to understand whither you went or whether you actually went thither or came hither, thence ending up being now called to memorize all of this mumbo-jumbo and presenting it to who(m?) of right it belongs? The wonderful history of and solutions to these quandaries and other fun facts lie in the origins of not only our Masonic ritual but the English language itself!

RW James F. Chwalyk, Jr. is a native bilingual, professional musician, and educator with a great interest in the origins of language and linguistic features. He was Worshipful Master in 2019 at Clifton Lodge No. 203 in Clifton NJ. He is also a Grand Musician of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey and has recently accepted the honor of serving on its Teacher of the Year Committee. He is a Senior DeMolay and proud member of the Northern Valley of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in New Jersey and the Salaam Shrine.

Open to Master Masons Only

Please contact WB Christian Stebbins at christian.stebbins@gmail.com for more information and or any other questions

FROM THE EAST (April 2022)


Solemn Reflections from the East:

Soon, three months looks like a flash in the pan. I’m humbled by the wonderful support from the entire Lodge Brothers, especially the Past Masters and the officer line.

We already went through presentations from the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, waiting for the Junior Warden’s in April.

The most Great and amazing presentation came from Brother Dr Copper from the Grand Lodge of Scotland, how lucky and great fulfillment that night brought to Beverly-Riverside Lodge 107.

Thank you Worshipful Brother Christian Stebbins for his tireless effort for making the impossibility possible. What a great audience.

Also, we had a great and amazing Entered Apprentice Degree with great officers especially the Junior Warden who did an awesome job. Attendance in rehearsals are great and we encourage the sidelines participation.

I advise the officers to participate in District Lodge of Instructions to make our Lodge look good outside the doors of Beverly-Riverside Lodge#107.

We are ready with the Fellow Craft Degree coming on March 31, 2022. I was really impressed with rehearsals and pray for an impressive Degree.

Brethren, I once again thank you all for your love and sup-port for our dear Lodge and pray that The Great Architect of the Universe guide and support our Lodge to make it through a successful year.

Brethren, this is our Lodge-dynamic, diverse, young, mid-dle age, old with wisdom. Let’s put these assets together to elevate it to the pinnacles of success.

Long live Beverly-Riverside #107.

Sincerely & Fraternally,

Frederick T. Ocansey, Worshipful Master

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EA Degree - February 10, 2022



Grand Lodge is updating its technology with regards to our membership, email blasts, Monthly reports submitted each month by your Secretary. The use of the Grandview system has started and each member of the Fraternity is requested to sign into the Grandview portal, verify their information, and to upload a picture of yourself! If you find any information that is wrong, and you're not able to change it, please contact the Secretary.

Go to the portal URL https://nj.grandview.systems click on "Member Portal" in the upper right corner to get the login screen. If you have never registered, just click on "Member Registration" in the login screen. Click the picture above for a quick link to that registration page.